Monday, May 31, 2010

Iced Venti Vanilla Latte, Oh My!

So, it's official...I'm addicted! To Starbucks that is!

I recently discovered this new drink at Starbucks, the Iced Vanilla Latte, and I have to say I'm in love. I've been having one every day (maybe that's why I can't lose any weight!?! - You think?) but today I was busy and I didn't have time to go and get one. Well, by about 5pm I was in full blown, caffeine withdrawal, headache mode! Lame! And I usually pride myself on not having any real addicitions that way, shows you what I know!

I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do for my June card club, my ladies have all asked me to show them some Stampin' Up scrapbooking and I really want to impress them with a beautiful page so I've pulled out the Sunny Day scrapbooking package and I'm going to get designing.

On another note, Angela, if you're checking in...I was going to post the pictures from your wedding album tonight but it turns out that my sd card was in the "lock" position in my camera and so none of the many pictures I took are recorded! Arghhh! Anyway, maybe one day I can bug you to let me come over and take some pics again quickly. ;)
I'm going to end with a few of my more recent scrapbooking pages I've created (they are very different from my usual style but I think they are very fun).

Friday, May 28, 2010

--- I've always wanted a blog and now I have one --- I rule!!

I am so excited to be starting my own blog! I love checking out other people's blogs (especially scrapbooking peoples) and now that I've started my own stamping business I really wanted to get out there in blog land and become a part of things.

It's funny that this worked out this week because, omg, it's been a long week! Addie's been sick with a "gastro-intestinal virus" to quote the nice Children's Hospital people (also known as the stomach flu in non-medical people talk). She's starting to be on the mend but is still not really eating and trust me, you should thank your lucky stars that you're not the one changing the diapers right now!

Part of my Stamping Up business is running monthly card clubs (I only have one right now but I'm hoping to have at least 4 by September) and at this month's club we had some fun creating a generic birthday card and a Father's Day card.

At last month's club we made one card and then decorated some enviro-bags using the big shot. I was really nervous about how it was going to go but they ended up being so cute and a lot of fun (thanks Tracey and Julie for letting me showcase your bags - without asking of course! Oops).

Well, here's to the beginning of a beautiful adventure in blogland!

ps. Can anyone name the movie quoted in the post title?