Friday, June 11, 2010

New Catalogue! Squeal!!

Well, I recieved my new Stampin Up! catalogue in the mail yesterday and I haven't been able to put it down since! It's so pretty! My husband's going to kill me because I'm so going to end up spending a fortune. It was so cute, as I was perusing it yesterday Addison came up to me and insisted that I let her look at the book. She took it from me and started turning the pages (keep in mind that the catalogue is pretty much the same size as her entire torso), and every time she'd see something she liked she would squeal, kiss the picture and hug the book! Everytime, for like 20 minutes! It was way too funny!
On another note, in the midst of marking, report cards, renovations, looming yard work and preping for Africa...yeesh, Paul and I are trying to talk ourselves into going to Mexico for a week or so this summer. We went for the first time when I was on Mat leave, loved it and so we went as a family this past December (see pics). And now, because we don't have enough going on we've both got the itch again and are toying with the idea of a family get away this August. It's kind of funny, because first Paul will want to go and I'll be the one saying, "No, probably not a good plan." and then a week later it's me saying I want to go and Paul being the one trying to talk me out of it. For a couple who spent 8 years together and the biggest trip was a weekend in Grand Forks, boy, things have changed in these last two years. Jamaica, Mexico, Mexico, Africa and now, hopefully, Mexico again!
Here's Addie on our first day in Mexico this December. We had bought her a little soccer uniform during our previous trip and so we dressed her in it as soon as the plane touched down. It was cute, everyone loved her in it. Paul has her staged her on the overhead luggage rack of the bus that took us to our hotel (with Lambchop, of course!)
This is her being oh so impressed with me trying to get a cute picture of her with the hibiscus flower.

Anyway, I can hear her crying upstairs (doesn't she know she's supposed to be sleeping?) and I should be packing for tomorrow's crop and marking never ends!

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