Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lifetime Milestones

My Uncle Moe is a firefighter and he is actually (finally) retiring this summer! It's amazing to think of reaching that point in your life when your days become your own and you can just do what you want to do, when you want to do it! Summer holidays used to be like that for me, prior to taking on the lovely job of being a Mom! Still, I know the day will come when my summers will be my own again (and I'll probably be bored the whole time!) and eventually the day will come when I get to retire! Only 25 or so years to go! ;-)

So, anyway, we're off to my Uncle's surprise retirement party this afternoon (shhh, don't tell him) and I wanted to make him a card. It's funny, I make cards for a living and yet I'm always scrambling when it's time to give someone in my life a card. I think that's just the way it's supposed to be, right? We came home early from the lake because I wanted to give him a homemade card and here's what I came up with...

I think it turned out pretty cute! I inked the puppy (from Wellness Wishes) with my markers so that I could leave out his pouty mouth and then I just used the pen side of my marker to draw in a smile instead. And the fire hydrant idea came from the following site,

She's got all sorts of cute ideas! I'm not usually one for making things from my punches, it's just not how my creativity works but in this case I thought it turned out great!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I'm still working on Christmas samples...I've got three in the works but none of them are finished yet. Again, I'll post them as I finish them!


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